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Honda Attacks Bikes as Transportation


There's a two-page ad for Honda on the inside front cover of the May 17 issue of Time. Across the two-page spread are pictured a scooter, a pogo stick, a skateboard, a big wheel, and a kid's hi-rise bicycle (obviously a fun bike for kids).

The text on the first page reads

"Sure, there are cleaner vehicles than a Honda. But how long is your commute?"

The second page of text starts "If the idea of sitting in bumper-to-skateboard traffic doesn't appeal to you, we have a better idea. In fact, several. The clean and fuel-efficient vehicles from Honda."

They then go on to tell you how committed they are to clean air. They end up with "You see, we've always been committed to balancing your desires for fun and performance with society's need for cleaner air and improved fuel economy. Which can be just about as difficult as balancing on a skateboard. With a briefcase. In a suit."

Well!! That ad just got me going. It's a direct attack on the use of bicycles as transportation!

How long is your commute?  For many people, it's less than five miles--perfectly possible to bike!

They don't tell you why using a Honda to commute would get you out of "bumper-to-skateboard traffic."

They don't make any comparison with a bicycle an adult would use, nor do they admit that numbers of businessfolk do take their briefcases on their bicycles. They make it sound as if driving a Honda would be as much fun as riding a bike or skateboard--ha!!

If you'd like to respond to Honda, here's their address:..........(to be filled in when I find it).



By Bob Boyce

Have you seen an anti-bicycling advertisement lately?  Let us know!  We like to feature these companies so that you can fire off an email to their marketing people just to let them know how much you appreciate their "humor".


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